Border wall GEORGE SOROS Migrants Sea-Watch 3


George Soros

Soros human smuggling business just received one major blow as one of his NGO ship ‘SEA-WATCH 3’ just got banned from ports in Malta, Greece and Italy. The human smuggling ship which is still roaming the sea is with 49 illegal
migrants that they picked up last week, as the ship is not allowed to dump it’s migrants in most European countries.

#Breaking: The Illegal NGO human smuggeling ship “#SeaWatch3” is still at sea with The 49 illegal migrants aboard the ship from last week ago! Because it cannot port in most European countries, like malta, italty and greece. However it is not clear if spain will take them again.

— Sotiri Dimpinoudis (@sotiridi) January 2, 2019

From The Gateway Pundit: “Soros open society is one of the major funders behind the NGO migrant ships.
According to GEFIRA — there is an extensive network of open borders activists and organizations behind the migrant NGO ships, many of them are directly funded by or cooperated with George Soros’ Open Society. Is it illegal? Not really. Political activism is an essential part of democratic societies. However, sometimes it goes too far, or the promoted causes prove to be either unrealistic or unsustainable.'”

My love for politics is unusual because I don't love it for the same reasons a lot of people do. I love politics because it challenges me. For me, being involved in politics isn't about having an opinion about every issue. It is about learning both sides of each issue and being fascinated by them. There are very few political issues that I have strong opinions on. The rest I either have yet to educate myself on or I understand both sides and have yet to choose which one I agree with.

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