Donald Trump Jerome Corsi President Trump Robert Mueller Russia Russia probe


Robert Mueller (left), Jerome Corsi (right)

The Democrats just don’t know when to stop pushing. First off, they wrongly accuse President Donald Trump of colluding with Russia during the 2016 presidential election and now, they wrongly accuse
a conspiracy theorist, Jerome Corsi, a former employee of Inforwars of having contacts with then wikileaks president Julian Assange. But this time, the democrats just bit more than they can chew.

From CNBC: “Attorneys for Corsi, 72, filed a lawsuit Sunday night in U.S. District Court in Washington. The Attorneys are demanding $100 million ‘in general and compensatory damages’ and $250 million ‘in punitive damages’ from FBI and CIA.” “In the complaints, Corsi’s Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable or unwarranted government searches and seizures was violated when ‘each and everyone of the defendant looked through his digital records without a warrant and a probable cause.”

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My love for politics is unusual because I don't love it for the same reasons a lot of people do. I love politics because it challenges me. For me, being involved in politics isn't about having an opinion about every issue. It is about learning both sides of each issue and being fascinated by them. There are very few political issues that I have strong opinions on. The rest I either have yet to educate myself on or I understand both sides and have yet to choose which one I agree with.

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