BARACK OBAMA Barack Obama Biography Barack Obama networth Barack Obama parents Michelle Obama


Barack Obama, twice elected as president of the United States of America, served 8 years but huge pieces of his earlier life remained undiscovered.

This is so because Barack Obama reached out to a number of people during the course of his political career who might have interviewed him and asked them not to talk to journalists in fear of his biggest secrets going public.

Here’s something very interesting; the Barack Obama from
1985 to 2002 in Illinois used to be a great man, a wonderful progressive politician. But the Barack Obama we saw in the White House is a whole new different person from whom he used to be in the 1990’s.

Back when Barack Obama was in Illinois, he was an outspoken critic of the patriot act and the intelligence committee and the CIA but the Obama that we have seen as president has been a dramatically different person.

Obama’s humble life ended in 2002 and now in 2017/2018 all he does is hobnobbing with celebrities, and musicians and billionaires and also getting $400,000 a speech.

If you take a look back at Obama’s record from 1990’s up to 2002, you would think you knew him well but he has turned out to be an entirely different person than you would have projected.

Michelle was never Obama’s first choice for a wife, surprised? From 1986 through 1991, Obama had a very intense relationship with a woman who was half dutch, half Japanese. But she was never discovered by journalists back in 2007/2008.

According to

Sheila Miyoshi Jager, Obama’s first love reported in a book that Obama asked her to marry him. She said no ‘not yet’, this was because her mother thought Obama, two years Jager’s  junior, was too young. But she said, a year later, Obama’s ambitions changed.

Jager went on to say:

I rember very clearly when this transformation happened, and i remember very specifically that by 1987, about a year into our relationship, he already had his eyes on becoming president. - vanityfair


My love for politics is unusual because I don't love it for the same reasons a lot of people do. I love politics because it challenges me. For me, being involved in politics isn't about having an opinion about every issue. It is about learning both sides of each issue and being fascinated by them. There are very few political issues that I have strong opinions on. The rest I either have yet to educate myself on or I understand both sides and have yet to choose which one I agree with.

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