Hillary Clinton Julian Assange


Julian Assange left, Hillary Clinton right
(Image credit: tntmagazine.com/getty, gemstatepatriot.com)
In his new claims, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange dropped a shocking bombshell revelation on Hillary Clinton exposing her connection to ISIS terrorist group. According to Assange:
“Some wealthy officials from
Saudi Arabia and Qatar who
supported Hillary’s charitable
foundation with donations aslo

financial support to 

During an interview with John Pilger of RT at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, Assange threw flames into the air by saying: “the same Qatari and Saudi group who provided financial support to the Clinton foundation founded by Bill Clinton also are funding the activities of ISIS.”
When asked by Mr. pilder if Julian Assange held high believes that ISIS was created largely with money from people who are also funding the Clinton Foundation, Assange replied saying “YES”, he then made reference to an email exchange between then presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her campaign manager John Podesta which was leaked by his organisation, Assange also called this email the most significant in the whole collection.
According to Assange:
“In the email sent on August 17 2014,
Hillary Clinton asked John Podesta,
who at that time worked under 
president Barack Obama, to help put
pressure on Saudi Arabia and Qatar
regarding the countries’ alleged support
for ISIS terrorist group.”

In a recent finding, it was discovered that the Saudi Arabian government has donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation since it was set up in 1997. Recently, Qatar government donated $1 million to the foundation to celebrate Bill Clinton’s birthday.
Despite the massive donations from Qatar and Saudi Arabia, officials from the Clinton Foundation have constantly denied any claims of Hillary Clinton using donations from the Clinton foundation to boost her campaign back in 2016.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9xbokQO4M0

Sam is a reporter at Truthseries who covers a range of subjects, particularly focusing on media bias, politics, and the convergence of politics and culture. Keeping our politicians in check should be a civic duty.

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