Hillary Clinton James Baker James Comey

Ex-FBI General Attorney’s Testimony Drops MASSIVE Bombshell On James Comey ‘REVEAL’S COMEY’S PERSUATION TO SET HILLARY FREE’

A testimony from Top former FBI general counsel James Baker reveals the FBI decision to stand united behind Ex-Director James Comey’s decision not to file charges against Hillary Clinton for transmitting classified information over her insecure, private email server. 

According to The Hills John Solomon, the then FBI general counsel James Baker believed Hillary Clinton was guilty and should face criminal charges. In a testimony to the House Investigators last year, James Baker told Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) that, 

After having conducted the investigation and towards the end of it, then sitting down and reading a binder of her materials, — I thought that it was alarming, appalling, whatever words I said, and argued with others about why they thought she shouldn’t be charged.

In Solomon’s words;

“Asked when he was persuaded to change his mind, Baker said: “Pretty late in the process, because we were arguing about it, I think, up until the end.” (Beaking; Damning Plot Against U.S Soil Puts Bernie Sanders Presidential Candidacy In Flames (VIDEO!)) 

“Baker made clear that he did not like the activity Clinton had engaged in: “My original belief after — well, after having conducted the investigation and towards the end of it, then sitting down and reading a binder of her materials — I thought that it was alarming, appalling, whatever words I said, and argued with others about why they thought she shouldn’t be charged.”

“His boss, Comey, announced on July 5, 2016, that he would not recommend criminal charges. He did so without consulting the Department of Justice, a decision the department’s inspector general (IG) later concluded was misguided and likely usurped the power of the attorney general to make prosecutorial decisions. Comey has said, in retrospect, he accepts that finding but took the actions he did because he thought “they were in the country’s best interest”

Solomon also made it clear, Baker first reported a year ago that Comey’s announcement have been changed from it’s original draft that said Clinton has been “grossly negligent in handling her classified emails.” “That is the term in espionage statutes for criminality.”

For more click here

Sam is a reporter at Truthseries who covers a range of subjects, particularly focusing on media bias, politics, and the convergence of politics and culture. Keeping our politicians in check should be a civic duty.

2 Replies to “Ex-FBI General Attorney’s Testimony Drops MASSIVE Bombshell On James Comey ‘REVEAL’S COMEY’S PERSUATION TO SET HILLARY FREE’

  1. The part that hurt this country was Comey ! He should have prosecuted Hillery, thats what this country needed , not for him to decide but the courts to decide. Every true American knows, If it was anyone else say , in the military who did this or any other branch of government, they would have been locked up. Now thanks to corrupt Comey every American thinks we have a two tier justice system. And I for one don't think its to late to fix that wrong. Its tore our country apart needs to be fixed and we need justice on the coup to outs a sitting President.

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